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Become a pioneer distributor, seller or investor. There's a growing appreciation for our Mexican coffee and we are looking for partners.

Selección / Tradición / 52 Cafe Mexico - Premium Artisan Coffee / Café Artesanal Mexicano


An exquisite collection of the best coffees from Mexico. Exclusive and selected premium and specialty beans, straight from the farm.

Unlike the industrial model of business, which relies on commercial lower quality coffee sold at high prices, our artisan model approach ensures only the best quality products, benefiting consumers, producers and all parties involved.


10 SKUs
6 ground
4 whole bean
3 high quality single origins
+35 % commercial margin
645 % sales growth

Sold on Amazon (Excellent Ratings)


Launch the brand on main retail channels in the USA aiming at a minimum 2.0 million USD sales per year.

4. WE

A Mexican based company named KONFFEE INTERNATIONAL, S. de R.L. de C.V., focused on export and international commerce operations, FDA approved, located in the Northern part of Mexico, near the borders of Laredo and McAllen, TX.

Let’s talk…

Consider carefully our proposal.

Review the information and images attached. Get to know our products and brand. If you are interested, please leave us your email so we can schedule contact and details with you.

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