Coffee ***

Discover, consume, enjoy and share alongside us some of the best and most luscious coffees produced in Mexico.

Like some of the best wines, high quality/specialty Mexican coffee gives us complex, exquisite and highly distinctive flavor profiles.

Each flavor note gives coffee its own personality and comes straight from its origin: the bean, the seed, the soil, the region, the climate, the altitude, and above all, the way it is cared for and processed on the farm. Not to be confused with added flavors or chemically flavored beans.

originname / idpresentationflavor profile
VeracruzSELECTOgroundcitrus & floral
ALTURAgroundlight honey & citric
ChiapasCLASSICground / wholewalnut & brown sugar
GOURMETground / wholechocolate & red fruits
OaxacaSPECIALground / wholechocolate & honey
DELUXEground / wholefloral & peach

Intensity Graph / 52 Cafe Mexico - Premium Artisan Coffee / Café Artesanal Mexicano

/real/artisan coffee

more than just marketing.

Unlike industrialized or commercial coffee —processed in bulk, without adequate selection and low grain quality, focused mainly on maximizing profits at lower cost— artisan coffee entails a more intimate approach, where committed families plant, nurture, harvest, process, they roast and prepare only the best to delight consumers.